Providing a Healing Place for Children in Foster Care
A therapeutic transitional residential program to help reduce the experience of trauma in foster care

Names and faces changed to protect privacy of children.
Children in foster care often bounce between child welfare (DCYF) offices, motels, shelters, emergency care facilities, and multiple short-term placements with little chance to get their questions answered, let alone process the trauma they have experienced.
Bridge Receiving Center is a therapeutic residential program where children (ages 4-18) find an immediate safe place to stay where they can begin to process their trauma while awaiting the next steps in their lives.
• A transitional, safe place for children who need to be removed from home or a failed placement.
• Stability through trauma-responsive support during stay.
• Focus on increased sense of felt safety and security for children in care.
• Ability to keep siblings together.
• Time provided to locate the best option for the child, not the first available bed.